IACM Bulletins:
IACM Bulletin January 2024, vol. 2, no. 1
IACM Bulletin June 2023, vol. 1, no. 2
IACM Bulletin February 2023, vol. 1, no. 1
Other Publications:
Cristologia e Missione oggi, a cura di G. Colzani, P. Giglione, S. Karotemprel, Urbaniana University Press 2001.
Sharing Diversity in Missiological Research and Education, ed. by L. Stanislaus SVD and J. Gorski MM, Ishvani Kendra / ISPCK 2006.
Compartir la diversidad en la misionologia. Cuestiones de lenguaje teologico, ed. R. Tomicha, Editorial Verbo Divino 2006.
Christian Witness in a Multi-Religious World, ed. by R. Viviano, Asian Study Centre – Xaverian Missionaries – Japan, 2018.