Therese D’Orsa
Representative of Oceania
Therese D’Orsa is a Catholic missiologist and educational leader who has exercised a wide range of leadership roles in Catholic education schools and systems and has taught in several tertiary institutions. She is currently professor of mission and culture at the Australian Institute of Theological Education (BBI-TAITE), and a research associate of the Melbourne University of Divinity.
Therese has published widely on mission education including in the Regnum Oxford series on world mission. With her husband Dr Jim D’Orsa, she has completed four volumes in the Exploratory Studies series of the Broken Bay Institute’s Mission and Education project – Explorers, Guides and Meaning-Makers (2009, Catholic Curriculum: a Mission to the Heart of Young People (2011), Leading for Mission: Integrating Life Culture and Faith in Catholic Education (2013), and New Ways of Living the Gospel: Spiritual Traditions in Catholic Education (2015) – all published by Garratt Publishing. She and her husband completed, with Bishop Hilton Deakin of Melbourne, a major memoir on the Catholic Church’s involvement in the East Timorese struggle for independence – Bonded Through Tragedy: United in Hope published by Garratt Publishing and released in 2017.
Therese represents Oceania (which includes Australia) on the executive of the International Association of Catholic missiologists.
Bryan Lobo
Representative of Europe
Prof. Bryan Lobo, S.J., is a Jesuit Priest from India, Mumbai. After completing his doctoral studies in 2009 at the Gregorian University Rome, he was assigned to the Missiology Faculty where he offers the following courses: Introduction to Missiology; Trinity and Mission; Theology of Religions: Contemporary Reflections; and The Christian Creed: A Historical and Hermeneutical Presentation in an Interreligious World. He also offers workshops on Christology and Mission; New Challenges in the Catholic Encounter with World Religions; and Hindu Fundamentalism. Prof. Lobo has been Director of the Department of Theology of Religions from 2012 to 2015. He is also a visiting Professor to the Archdiocesan Seminary of Mumbai, St. Pius X College and the Pontifical Athenaeum – Dharmaram College, Bangalore.
Facebook page of the Catholic Missiologists of IACM Europe: httpss://
António Gilberto-Marqueses
Representative of Asia
António Gilberto S. Marqueses, SVD, from the Philippines, is a religious missionary priest of the Society of the Divine Word. His first mission assignment was in the islands of Mindoro where he lived in the mountains with the indigenous peoples as Priest- Administrator of the Mangyan Mission. He took his graduate studies in Missiology at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome, Italy. He also took a course and a brief exposure to the Orthodox Mission through the Apostoliki Diakonia in Athens, Greece. He is currently teaching courses in Missiology and he is also serving as the Executive Secretary of the Divine Word Institute of Mission Studies and the Dean of Studies of the Divine Word Seminary.
Frederick Tusingire
Representative of Africa
Fr. Frederick Tusingire is a priest of the Diocese of Fort Portal in Western Uganda. He was ordained a priest in 1989. He did his postgraduate studies at Urban University in Rome from where he obtained a doctorate in Missiology. He has served in his home diocese as Pastor, Director of Lay Apostolate, Coordinator of Small Christian Communities, and twice as Organizing Secretary of the Diocesan Synod. He is currently the National Director of Lay Apostolate at Uganda Catholic Secretariat.
Some of his works include the book: The Evangelization of Uganda; Strategies and Challengeswhich analyses the work of the Church in Uganda. Some of his articles published in various works include: Religious and Secular Fundamentalism published in a book; Chances and Challenges for Global World Regarding the Ideals, edited by Z. Kruczek and published in Manila in 2013, pp. 51-68; The Church in Africa at the Service to Peace,published in A Book Le deuxième synode africain à face aux defis socio-èconomiques et èthique du continent, by Joseph Ndi-Okala, Paris, Karthala, 2009; andConflict, Violence and Reconciliation; African Perspective, in Missio Intergentes, Vol. 3, no.2, of DWIMS, Tagaytay.
Roberto Tomichá Charupá
Representative of Latin America
Roberto Tomichá belongs to the Order of the Conventual Franciscans and is Bolivian, of Chiquitana indigenous family. He has a Doctorate degree in missiology from the Gregorian University of Rome. He also studied classical languages, ecclesiastical history and cultural anthropology. Since 2003 he has been director of the postgraduate program in Missiology and of the Institute of Missiology, under the Faculty of Theology „San Pablo“, Bolivian Catholic University, Cochabamba. Guest professor at the Pontifical Theological Faculty „San Bonaventura“ in Rome, at the Center for Biblical and Theological Studies (CEBITEPAL) of Bogotá and at the Franciscan Institute of Petrópolis, Brazil. Member of the International Association of Catholic Missiologists and ordinary partner of the Bolivian Academy of Ecclesiastical History. From 2007 to 2015 he was a member of the Theologians and Theologians Team of the Latin American Confederation of Religious and Religious (CLAR). Since 2006, he has been a theological adviser to CELAM on issues of mission and theology of indigenous peoples. He has participated in several International Congresses and Symposiums on Missions, History, Cultures and Indigenous Studies. He was an expert in the V General Conference of the Latin American and Caribbean Episcopate held in Aparecida, Brazil (2007). He has published several books and articles in various specialized magazines about history, missions, indigenous world and religious life in Latin America and Europe. Editor of the South American „Scripta autochtona-Indigenous History of the Lowlands“ ethnohistorical collection, started in 2009 and currently with 19 published titles.