Rev. Sr. Dr. Mary Joan Iwenofu
Rev. Sr. Dr. Mary Joan Iwenofu, is a member of the Religious Institute of the Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary(IHM), Mother of Christ, Nigeria. She is the Regional Superior of the Southern (Madonna) Region, Owerri. She graduated from the reputable Pontifical Urban University, Rome, where she obtained Baccalaureate in Missionary Catechesis and Licentiate and Doctorate in Missiology. She is equally a Grade II (TC II) teacher and she has also Post Graduate Diploma in Education. She possesses many years of experience in different levels of teaching and administration, both as a Primary School teacher and Secondary School teacher and more so as a formator in different levels of religious formation. She has organized and facilitated many workshops for teachers and religious in various levels both in Nigeria and outside this country.