Member Publications

„European Mission Studies“

Wojciech Kluj OMI,
Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University, Warsaw
Klaus Vellguth, Missio, Aachen
Frans Wijsen, Radboud University, Nijmegen

This is the launch of new series dedicated to missiological reflection: European Mission Studies. As the world at the beginning of the 21st century is changing, similarly should follow our understanding of Christian missions. That was always a case in the past. Understanding of evangelization was different in the Antiquity, in the Middle Ages and the Age of Discoveries. Generally by “missions” we understand the crossing of the border between faith in Jesus Christ and its absence. But today the border is more fluid. This classical “black-white” division is not so obvious. The principal “way” of mission is always proclamation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and celebration of the new life in community. Among many new dimensions of this contemporary reality of evangelization we see more and more attention paid to the different cultures, different social realities and different religions which influence Christian witness, service, and worship.

Even though missiology starts with the theological perspective, it needs help of other academic disciplines. Two thousand years of Christian missions offers very rich experience, in the fields of linguistics, anthropology, sociology and religious studies, which could be well used in the contemporary missiological reflection.

We hope that this new series will become a chance for the Catholic reflection on missiological issues from the European perspective. Although it starts as an initia- tive of three centers of central-western Europe, we want to be open for any serious methodological reflection on missions of the Church without regard for any acade- mic disciplinary, national or denominational boundaries.

No. 1 – Religious Plurality and Religious Diversity ==> Download

No. 2 – Europe: A Mission Continent? ==> Download

No. 3 – Laudato Si‘ and Mission ==> Download